Monday, August 29, 2016

Touch Addie Rippin

I created a photo series of hands showing different forms of emotion. From the chapter on Hands the phrase, "Hands are the messengers of emotion," stood out to me. I responded by the different kinds of emotion we experience and the role of our hands in the way we portray these emotions. When a mother holds the hand of a child it is showing comfort, while a nervous student will pick or bite their nails. The way we greet and touch other people often require use of hands, like hugging a friend or shaking the hand of a boss. Our hands can easily express how we feel, as shown in these photos.

 For the chapter, "The Skin Has Eyes" I made a short video clip showing how our hands, skin, and muscle memory from our brain work together to know what something is without seeing it with our eyes. The first line of the chapter explains how touch, along with short hand of the eye, teaches us that we live in a three- dimensional world. When Amanda was feeling the grape she knew she was feeling a round object, because she knew what round felt like, along with remembering what touching the texture of a grape felt like she could tell what she was holding. As the chapter said, touch helps us see how the world has depth and contour.