Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Soap Carvings

Final Pieces:

I began my carving by outlining a basic shape to start with and then carving to scale which parts of the rooster was larger. I chose to begin with the tail and then size the rest of the body with precise steps to make sure I was visualizing each part of the rooster. Taking into account the scale of the plastic rooster to the size of my soap resulted in having to carefully watch my carving to make sure I was not veering from the size and height of the bird. My first attempt was the white rooster, the soap was harder and I could more easily control my carvings. The second attempted I used a different kind of soap that was much softer and made it difficult to maneuver the soap and the softness of the soap created many challenges for me regarding taking away to much in places and adding detailed pieces. 


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